Ship Your Board Game Faster
with the #1 board game desktop app
- Save hours of manual work by updating hundreds of cards instantly - no code or AI needed
- Publish everywhere with one click exporting to TheGameCrafter, PDFs, and Tabletop Simulator
- Collaborate with your team using familiar Git and Drive apps
Don't waste your time! There's a better way!

How does it work?
1. Create Art in Inkscape
Create vector art with fields to be filled in like name or setupRules and label important elements with ids.
![[object Object]](/template.gif)

2. Assemble your Game
Automagically layer your art files, change names, and update style based on your game content. Instead of manually changing every card, propogate it everywhere!
3. Export Everywhere
Upload to the GameCrafter, create printable PDFs, make Tabletop Simulator/Playground mods with one button press.