- 1 Getting Started
- 2 Making your Game
- 3 Exporting your Game
Collaboration and Version Control
Templative does not stpore your games on our servers because Templative projects are entirely local projects.
Because of this, Templative easily plugs into Git, a version control system, and Drive Apps like Google Drive and One Drive.
Git Setup
Git is a tool to name versions of your project and to create "branches" of your project to try them isolation without affecting what your collaborators are doing. It makes it easy to rollback your project to what you had on Tuesday. If you and your teammate both changed the same file, Git helps you merge the two together. It is by no means required, but it is a powerful tool to have.
If you are unfamiliar with Git, watch this 20 minute crash course
If working with the command line feels intimidating, you can use an app to help you visualize it instead.
Once Git is installed on your computer, run `git init` to initalize the repository in the Templative project.
Drive Setup
In order to utilize Drive apps with Templative, you must download the desktop app version of the Drive apps. From there, create a folder for your project, and use that folder when creating a new Templative project.
Be careful! Editing a file at the same time as a teammate may overwrite their work, though both Drive apps have history features.
Changes made by others will be propogated to you, albiet with delay.
Didn't get your question answered? Consider posting your question in the Templative Discord in the #troubleshooting chat.