- 1 Getting Started
- 2 Making your Game
- 3 Exporting your Game
What is Templative?
Templative is a desktop app that helps you produce board games. You provide your SVG art files, game content, and commands for placing content. Templative then automatically renders and exports your game. It saves you hundreds of hours by automatically batching changes to your art files.
Making Games with Templative
For each of the Compositions (dice, cards, decks, etc), Templative takes your svg Art files and uses the commands you specify in your Art Recipes to place content from your Content files into your art. This creates a render of your game. Renders can be exported for home printing, for playtesting with Tabletop Simulator, and for prototyping with TheGameCrafter.
Templative relies on Inkscape under the hood. Though nothing is stopping you from using Illustrator to create svgs for Templative.
Templative watches your filesystem for changes, and all files are given in a human readable format, meaning Google Drive and Git are compatible with Templative.
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