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Use the Compositions file to tell Templative how to assemble your game using Art Recipes and Content files.

Understanding File References

Each component has a name, type, quantity, art recipes, and content. Take a look a this example Mint Tin Deck named countries.

An example component called countries

Example component composition

This blurb shows us what files are used to create country mint tin cards. Namely:

  • A component-level content file named countries.json in the gamedata/componentGamedata folder. This will contain any data common to all countries.
  • A piece-level content file named countries.json in the gamedata/piecesGamedata folder. This will contain data that is unique to each card.
  • A front art recipes file named countriesFront.json in the /artdata folder that tells us how the front art file of countries is assembled
  • An back art recipes file named countriesBack.json in the /artdata folder that tells us how the back art file of countries is assembled

If the file you name exists, then a clickable arrow button appears that will open that file in Templative.

If you want to refer to a file in a folder, for instance to point to an older version of your content, you might write `oldContent files/countries`.

Do not include extensions like .json in your file references.

If you want to change which file a component looks at, clicking on an input will give you suggestions:

Suggested file names

File suggestions when editing compositions

Modifying Compositions

New compositions can be created using the Create Compositions tab.

You can increase the quantity of a given deck by incrementing the quantity field of the component.

You can delete a component by clicking the trash can icon when you hover over a component. This does not delete the files the component refers to, it deletes the component and the files remain.

You can duplicate a component by pressing the overlapping pages icon when you hover over a component. This does not duplicate the files the component refers to, it creats a new component that relies on those files.

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